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Latest Sport England guidance promotes easy access by walking & cycling

January 7th, 2016

The latest guidelines from Sport England have introduced 10 design principles for sport facilities with key points such as facilities being central, walkable and cycleable to and central to the community.

They have developed 10 active design principles to inspire and inform the layout of cities, towns, villages, neighbourhoods, buildings, streets and open spaces, to promote sport and physical activity and active lifestyles:

    1. Activity for all
    2. Walkable communities
    3. Connected walking and cycling routes
    4. Co-location of community facilities
    5. Network of multi-functional open space
    6. High quality streets and spaces
    7. Appropriate infrastructure
    8. Active buildings
    9. Management, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation
    10. Activity promotion & local champions.

(emphasis ours)

We are asking Shropshire Council if they are going to take these new principles into consideration as part of their decision for the future of the Quarry Pool.

You can read the Active Design Guidance on the Sport England website.